It’s High Time We Talk about Cannabis Drinks



Colorful cans of THC beverages are now a common sight, on the shelves next to all the other ready-to-drinks at your local beverage superstore or bodega. Along with their presence at trade shows like the National Restaurant Show and recognition in publications Food and Wine magazine, weed sodas are now served in the beer tents at street festivals, and on-premise at bars and restaurants (you’ll most often find them listed on the N/A menu). But you may be wondering, are they legal? How do they taste, and will they get you high? 


Low Dose Beverages

After launching a high dose version through the dispensary channel in 2021, Angus Rittenburg, CEO of Wherehouse Beverages, the parent company of Wynk, a popular premium brand of THC/CBD soda, has helped usher low-dose seltzers into the conventional beverage space. At 2024 West Fest street fair in Chicago, he shared, “the tent had Coors Light and all these other mainstream beer brands right beside Wynk…at the same price on the same banner. It’s becoming so mainstream–it’s amazing to watch.” Through targeting customers who are not typically cannabis users, the segment has become much more approachable. “We talk a lot about the adjacency to alcohol and building our brand into a lifestyle brand.”

Cheech & Chong High & Dry

Cheech & Chong High & Dry

Even O.G. stoners like Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong are getting into the game with their Cheech & Chong High & Dry Seltzers. During a recent hilarious phone interview with the dank duo, I asked them if they ever thought they’d see the day when cannabis-infused sodas would be sold next to Miller High Life and Diet Coke. “This is soccer mom stuff,” said Chong, “And yes, I believe we are 100% responsible.”


Are they legal?

Shelves of THC RTDs

Shelves of THC RTDs

Short answer, yes. Thanks to the passage of the 2018 US Farm Bill, industrial hemp became classified as an agricultural product. Marijuana and hemp both come from the cannabis plant and naturally contain Delta-9 THC. Anything under 0.3% THC is classified as hemp, and over 0.3% THC is considered marijuana. Since 2018, thousands of federally legal hemp derived CBD and THC products have come to market, including lots of beverages. That means hemp-derived THC products fully legal in all 50 states and cannabis-infused "recreational" beverages are legal in 24 states. It can be a bit confusing, but basically even in states where non-hemp based cannabis is illegal, the purchase of these beverages has been decriminalized


Benefits & Advantages

  • Social beverages 

  • Sleep inducing nightcap 

  • Non-alcoholic option with a "buzz"

  • No hangover effect

THC drinks are favored by folks who are looking for the relaxing, high sensation of THC without having to inhale smoke, wait hours for a sugary gummy to take effect, or be conspicuous in a social setting. It’s fun to sip a can of THC seltzer, for example, side by side with your friends who prefer drinking canned seltzer with alcohol. People enjoy drinking these as a relaxing transition to bedtime, especially if they contain CBD (a non-psychoactive ingredient).

Many folks who don’t drink or are trying to wean off alcohol find these beverages an excellent, refreshing alternative to beer and spritzes, cocktails, and seltzers that contain alcohol. 

How intoxicating are they?

Most manufacturers say the consumer will feel the effects within 10 to 30 minutes, and that they wear off in about 45-90 minutes after that. Just like consuming any intoxicant, however, the effects may vary widely from person to person. Most manufacturers (and many users) brag about the zero hangovers and easy transition to activities that require focus and productivity the next day.

How do they taste?

All the top-of-the-line THC drinks I tried were refreshing, dry, and fizzy. Some had a mild weed aftertaste, but nothing that would prevent me from drinking them again.

Serving size

Unlike many edible THC items which take a long time to digest and take effect, beverages offer a quick onset, and allow a gradual increase in psychoactive experience, and then a gradual decrease.  This allows the user to more easily regulate consumption. Read the label. Most THC beverages are precisely dosed at 2-5 mg per serving, a rather mild amount, much like the effect of a single glass of wine or beer.


5 Recommended Brands

We tried several brands and varieties of canned, ready-to-drink THC beverages to report on their enjoyability. Do note that when alcoholic beverages like RTD’s are reviewed, the psychoactive effect is not traditionally mentioned, as in “that can of Sauza Spicy Margarita got me mildly buzzed.” We will provide brief tasting notes for each brand. Rely on the THC/CBD guide on the label just as you would a percent ABV of a beer or canned cocktail.

Wynk Balanced Light & Social

Wynk Balanced Light & Social

Available in 4 fruit flavors, black cherry, lime twist, juicy mango and tangerine, and 2 sizes/dosages, Wynk Seltzers are making a big impact on the premium THC beverage market, both online, in stores, and on premise. With zero sugar and zero calories, each can is refreshing and straightforward, and tastes like the ubiquitous flavored seltzers found everywhere. 2.5mg THC and 2.5 mg CBD for a 7.5 ounce can and 5mg THC, 5mg CBD per 12 ounce can.

Cycling Frog Iced Tea Lemonade

Cycling Frog Iced Tea Lemonade has 50mg THC per 12 ounce can

These juice-charged RTD’s come in 12 ounce cans and grown-up, fruity flavors like ruby grapefruit and blueberry yuzu. Their “THC light” seltzers have less juice and less THC for a milder buzz, 2mg THC, 4mg CBD. Alert: While sold out, their high-potency Iced Tea Lemonade packs a whopping 50 mg THC per 12 ounce can plus 50 mg of caffeine, so most beginners should steer clear of that one.

Cann Blood Orange Cardamom

Cann Blood Orange Cardamom

These “microdosed social tonics” have provided the gateway for many new users to join the world of THC/CBD drinks. I always have a few in my fridge for a sparkly after-work cocktail with a subtle citrus and botanical flavors—ginger lemongrass, pineapple jalapeno, lemon lavender and blood orange cardamom. 2mg of THC and 4mg of CBD per can.

Fable Night Flight infused botanical cocktails

Fable Night Flight infused botanical cocktails

With their deep color and elegant, interesting botanicals, Fable’s “infused botanical cocktails” definitely read more mocktail than soda and were served at Food & Wine’s 2024 Classic in Aspen. Their Night Flight is a hibiscus and ginger concoction that captures the pleasant burn of a good ginger beer paired with bright flowers and herbs (ginger and mint). Their Best Zest Cocktail is described as having citrus, pepper, and spice notes. Serve this one in a glass! 5mg THC & 3mg CBD per can.

Marz Jeniper Terps Botanical Seltzer

Marz Jeniper Terps Botanical Seltzer

Marz Community Beverage, Chicago’s prolific beer company, has added over a dozen stoner sodas and shrubs to their immense lineup of brews, in various combos of THC, coffee, CBD, and offbeat flavors. Their Juniper Terps Botanical Seltzer brings gin and tonic vibes to the table (and 10 mg THC), and Unholy Water (also 10 mg THC) tastes like…pure sparkling water. Note this is not a low-dose of THC.