Drink Like an Aries: 6 Beverages for Toasting the Fire-Starters

Have you felt that shift in energy this month, like a quaking of the very ground beneath your feet? That’s not just the arrival of spring, that’s the arrival of Aries season. March may go out like a lamb weather-wise, but as far as Zodiac energy goes, March goes out LIKE A RAM. (Which is not gentle, in case you’ve never actually encountered a ram, human or ovine.) Every sign has a certain energy, and I wouldn’t casually employ the Big Energy trope to many of them. I did it with Scorpio, which is true, but Aries energy is definitely BIG ARIES ENERGY. Huge. It’s so big it inspires feverish bursts of ALL CAPS, evidently.

Aries is the first sign in the official Zodiac calendar, and with that comes a certain kinetic responsibility to get things rolling. Aries people are very much up to that challenge, with spontaneity and courage to lead the way for the rest of us. Aries is a fire sign, but it’s not a slow, smoldering burn like Sagittarius, nor a lusty, fits-of-passion flame-like Leo. No, Aries is a true firecracker. One with a short fuse. So hold on to your…yeah, just hold on tight. Summon as much Aries energy as you can and let’s get the party started with these 6 beverages for toasting the fire-starters among us.


Aries is sign number one in the Zodiac, and according to more than one poll, (there’s this one, and this one) high octane Imperial IPAs are number one in the hearts of America. “Full Contact” also happens to be an excellent theme for a sign whose spirit animal tends to solve the conflict by bashing heads together. Seattle’s Elysian Brewing gets a lot of Zodiac attention from me, but I can’t help it with their weird and wonderful artwork. Would you look at that throbbing brain? That’s definitely the result of locked horns. Do you know what will help? Drink this beer.

Planeta Nerello Mascalese

Wine: Sicilian Wine

If there’s a game of truth or dare at hand, you can bet that the Aries among you will always choose dare. And how’s this for the ultimate winemaking dare? Who wants to try to grow wine grapes on an active volcano? Sicily, that’s who. (It’s like the whole island is full of Arieses.) Sicilian winemakers who dare to rumble with Etna have the absolute audacity to produce killer, mineral-driven red wines with tension and finesse like those such as Planeta’s Etna Rosso, made from Nerello Mascalese grapes. (Don’t worry about the pronunciation too much. Your mouth will be occupied with sipping anyway.)

Fireball cinnamon whisky

Spirit: Fireball

I’m tempted to just leave this here and walk away. Or say something a little juvenile like, “shots, shots, shots, shots-shots-shots…” You know what? I think I will. That’s me summoning my inner I-dare-you Aries.

Sama Detox Tea

Non-Alcoholic: SAMA Detox Tea

You’re probably getting the idea that Aries are some of the Zodiac’s hardest partiers. Along with their natural leadership tendencies can sometimes come an almost childlike nature for just proceeding with blind enthusiasm into whatever scenario is at hand, especially if that scenario promises a good time. Thus, Aries people are going to need something a little more powerful than water for managing wellness in their down time. (We’ll leave the water to the water signs.) I’ll admit that adaptogens are a little mysterious to me, but any delicious tea such as SAMA’s Lemongrass Ginger that purports to detox and cleanse by bringing cumin and fennel to the party, can come to the party.

Cutwater Long Island Iced Tea

Ready-to-Drink: Cutwater Canned Cocktails

Cutwater Spirits produces upward of 25 different varieties of canned cocktails, including some very spirituous selections such as Long Island Iced Tea, White Russian, and Tiki Rum Mai Tai, as well as some very Aries-sounding choices like Orange Vodka Smash, (again with the butting heads imagery,) and Grape Vodka Transfusion. If any sign can handle a vodka transfusion, grape or otherwise, it’s Aries. The rest of you: proceed with caution. Plus all of Cutwater’s flavors, in my opinion—to press another Zodiacal characteristic of Aries—are fire. Cutwater Spirits Rum & Cola, Cutwater Spirits Rum Mint Mojito, Cutwater Spirits Tiki Rum Mai Tai and Cutwater Spirits Whiskey Mule were all NY International Spirits Competition award winners in 2021.

Bloody Mary

Cocktail: Bloody Mary

Look, I didn’t even bother to look up whether anyone is putting forward a worthy Aries-named cocktail, because frankly, if a spicy cocktail that you are encouraged to DRINK WITH BREAKFAST, (again with the caps,) isn’t pure Aries, I don’t know what is. Check out the 7 Best Bottled Bloody Mary Mixes You Can Buy and the 7 Reasons a Bartender’s Bloody Mary is Better than Yours.


For more Zodiac content, see Drink Like a Pisces and Drink Like an Aquarius, or visit our sister site Cheese Professor for 5 Gifts for Your Cheese Loving Aries Friends.