Meet the Producer: Henric Molin of Spirit of Hven



Hven, Sankt Ibb, Sweden

Current location:

Hven, Sankt Ibb, Sweden


Spirit of Hven one of the world’s smallest commercial pot still 

distilleries as well as a four-star conference and hotel resort with restaurant and pub.


Founder & Owner

Years in current role:

Since 1998

Years in the industry:

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30 years

First job in the industry:

I started out in the restaurant business moved over to responsibility in the F& B world

Family in the business:

This is a family business with everyone contributing—my wife and son

Advice to your young self:

Travel and visit as many top restaurants, bars, wineries, breweries, and distilleries as possible.

Advice for someone just starting out:

Ask as many questions as possible to anyone in the industry, all over the world.

Awards you are most proud of:

European Distiller of the Year, Wizard of the Whisky 

Who you would want to share a drink with, past, present or future:

From the past: Abraham Lincoln and from the present: My wife, and my son when he comes of age.

Your best professional experience:

Oh, so many ... Scotland is always a wonderful place with many interesting spots not to miss out off. Kentucky is of course fantastic. West Indies / Caribbean Rum distilleries are amazing.

Your favorite bottle to bring to a party:

Spirit of Hven MerCurious Corn Whisky

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Last book read:

Factfulness by Hans Rosling

Favorite author:

Douglas Adams

Favorite movie:

From Here to Eternity

Favorite song:

Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams

Favorite sports team:

Soccer, Landskrona BOIS

Most memorable drinking experience:

Asyla with John Glaser Compass Box Whisky, way back, it is a great memory

Favorite celebratory drink:

A signature Manhattan

Most prized bottle in your collection:

Talisker from 1939, amazing 

Favorite country to visit:

Turks & Caicos Islands for the amazing people, the climate and the cuisine

Product that you’re most excited about in your portfolio:

I have many babies but do I have to pick one I would say Spirit of Hven Rye Whisky, HVENUS made from local harvested grains

Favorite drink that’s not in your portfolio:

Milk with minimum 3% fat

Dream job:

I would like to be the "Le Nez" the one that makes the perfumes

Interesting fact:

I love hand tied bow ties