Vintage Ad Archive: The Extra-Special Easter Edition!



Easter isn't usually thought of as a particularly alcohol-fueled holiday.  Sure, there are some colorful cocktails that can be pretty easily fit into the celebration, wine works well as part of the traditional feasting, and if you're feeling adventurous, you can always prepare some delicious bourbon deviled eggs – but by and large, the focus is on chocolates, plastic grass, and oversized anthropomorphized rabbits, not delicious drinkables.

That being said, I've scoured through my archives and found a few select examples of ads that fit nicely into the holiday spirit, and contain some Easter-esque elements.  So I hereby present you with an addendum to my Vintage Ad Archive articles – a tiny taste of retro rabbits and Easter egg advertisements to liven up your fertility festivities.

Budweiser, 1950

Budweiser, 1950

The dying of easter eggs is one of those holiday traditions that lends itself well to advertising – there's something charming about the concept of sitting with your sweetie, painting patterns and creating tiny works of art.  And you know what would make the scenario even more enchanting?  How about a ice-cold glass of beer?



Or even a delicious daiquiri!  I like the way you think, Smirnoff!

But if you're one of those who considers brightly-colored eggs to be a bit too ostentatious, and you want something a bit more refined and understated, worry not.  Busch has just the thing for you.

Busch, 1965

Busch, 1965

...Or perhaps not.  Let's move on from the eggs to something a bit more pastoral and serene.  How about rabbits?  There's nothing that says Easter like rabbits, right?  That seems like just the pairing to soothe our frayed nerves – a beverage and a bunny.  What could possibly go wrong?




Okay, maybe that wasn't the most cheerful selection.  Perhaps there's a more restful example of a rabbit-themed advertising.

Imperial Whiskey, 1943

Imperial Whiskey, 1943

Or maybe not.  Being chased by stinging insects isn't exactly what I had in mind for my Easter celebration.  I suppose instead of spending my holiday digging through stacks of musty old paper, I'll head outside, get a taste of springtime weather, and enjoy a suitable modern-day drink – a bottle from White Rabbit Brewery,one of 5 Rabbit's delicious concoctions, or one of these other fine seasonal beer suggestions.

Happy Easter, and I'll see you soon for another trawl through the alcohol archives!